UX Intern- Winter 2018-2019
I focused on creating a clear and beautiful homepage for the mobile app, going through research and ideation to result in a better revision of former models.
The Target Audience
Felicity uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, allowing users to journal their issues they experience throughout their day. Its primary users are college students as we aim to provide a cheaper and easier way for them to help themselves, rather than costly therapy visits or university counseling and psychological services. So the age range is 18-25, and open in regards to race and gender.
What I Did Wrong
The leftmost screen below was my first iteration, and though the background image and visualization in the center were nice, my lack of research really showed here. Since I did a poor job at researching competitors, my design was liked but also compared to Pacifica, a similar app and its design. In fact, the “How have you been” circle aspect was basically a direct copy. This lead me to realize just how important a homepage is and how I need to really research just what it is that makes homepages inviting to returners and comforting. I needed to combine the best from every app, and put my own creative spin on it.
Competitive Analysis
The Flo App, Pacifica, and Moodpath were the 3 apps I narrowed my results down to and completed a competitive analysis on. Though only Moodpath and Pacifica were 2 mental health apps, and Flo was for tracking periods, they all had aspects in common. What I gathered was that visualizations were still important as an easy way to digest information, and that there had to be a calendar view to quickly check in on progress and time. From this, I had two creative ideas I wanted to implement differently and uniquely- a user friendly reminder and a statistic showing users on the app. I felt this would be the best way to get the story of Felicity as a “help you help yourself” tool and still be minimalist and non-intruding.
Visual Design Palette
The team as a whole came up with this palette to use for branding and color, so I followed the guide, using orange and blue as the two main colors throughout.
Felicity Introduction Video
Below is just a video I had made for my internship at Felicity. It explains what CBT is and how Felicity specifically uses it to help you! Besides knowing how to use Adobe Premiere and After Effects professionally, I love to make some of my own creative projects with them, such as video essays about TV shows, books, or movies I like!